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RESIN – Climate resilient cities and infrastructures


RESIN – Climate resilient cities and infrastructures

The RESIN project comes to a successful close, opens the floor to research teams from RESCCUE and BRIGAID

Just days after the IPCC published its Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, setting a new urgency for climate action within the next 12 years, the RESIN team gathered in Brussels for the project‘s final event. Aware that effective climate action is a long term proposition, demanding cooperation and knowledge sharing across disciplinary and geographical borders, the team has progressively widened its network: starting out three and a half years ago with four partner cities, adding 17 more to its ‘Circle of Sharing and Learning’ and including many more colleagues and peers in its collaborative community throughout the project. Three other Horizon 2020-funded projects were invited to collaborate on the final event “Climate Resilient Cities and Infrastructure 2018”: two ongoing projects, RESCCUE and BRIGAID, and a third that has been recently completed: EU-CIRCLE. All four projects are linked by a common concern for building climate resilience in European cities. Not only was this an occasion to share the findings of the RESIN project, but also to help establish a legacy for the work to date, and to explore new avenues to carry it forward. Over 100 people took part in the event, many of them representing municipalities that it is hoped will take up the RESIN tools in their day-to-day work.

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European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme is developed as part of the PUCS project, which has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 73004
Climate Fit 2017-2019 PUCS. All rights reserved.