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ISGlobal Presentation at “Scientific conference on climate change in Barcelona”


ISGlobal Presentation at “Scientific conference on climate change in Barcelona”

Barcelona city council is organising an upcoming event entitled "Scientific conference on climate change in Barcelona" consortium member Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) will provide a demonstration of the urban climate services which they have been working on.

The objective of the conference is to share information on current initiatives regarding urban climate change (urban heat island/health, green infrastructure/biodiversity, water/energy). IS Global have been specifically asked to show the results developed by the project thus far. This will allow for productive debates along with informing stakeholders of the work being done with climate services in relation to health as well as other domains.

The event is expected to bring together a sizeable audience with over 100 participants expected to be in attendance, this will include scientists, journalists, stakeholders and members from different departments (health, ecology, urban planning,...) of the local government.

Further information on this event can be found at the following link ➡

Please note: Website article is in Catalan. (click "Translate with Google" for English)


ISGlobal Presentation at “Scientific conference on climate change in Barcelona”
ISGlobal Presentation at “Scientific conference on climate change in Barcelona”

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European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme is developed as part of the PUCS project, which has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 73004
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