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News at ECCA 2019

The team is heading to Lisbon this week to take part in ECCA 2019, the 4th European Climate Change Adaptation conference!

The conference aims at bringing together a diverse range of actors from academia, government and business to discuss, exchange knowledge, get inspired and find strategies to the multiple aspects of climate change adaptation.

Here are the different events at which Climate-fit members will take the stage:

A booth will also be held for the duration of the conference in the foyer on the second floor. Come and say hi!

You can find the whole programme of the conference here.

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European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme is developed as part of the PUCS project, which has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 73004
Climate Fit 2017-2019 PUCS. All rights reserved.