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Stakeholder engagement and communication

Stakeholder engagement and communication

Getting all the stakeholders round the table and informing citizens.

Working across departments

Climate change impacts so many different aspects of lives in cities. Over the coming years, cities will need to rethink their public transport systems and cycling infrastructure, community organizing and emergency responses in the face of extreme weather, green spaces, urban planning guidelines that can tackle more severe floods …

Preparing for such a drastic change requires an integrated approach, that brings together different experts from different city departments. Arctik has experiences animating large consortia and facilitating collaboration across departments with different approaches and ways of working. We can help bring together different city departments and keep them working towards a common goal.

Getting urban and regional stakeholders on board

It is also important to bring on board essential stakeholders in your city and region. If you are hoping to make at risk communities more resilient, you might want to work together with community centres or faith organisations from the outset, while infrastructure projects might be easier to roll out if you liaise with important city contractors.

Whatever your project, we can help you map relevant stakeholders and will help you set up a strategy to keep them involved.

Keeping citizens in the know

Finally, we know how best to keep citizens informed. Whether you simply want to communicate the outcomes of your project or draw up a communication campaign to help citizens be better prepared for heatwaves or floods, we can help. Arctik routinely draws up communication plans for citizens communication. We’re also experts at the more hands-on work, from website creation, over brochures to large-scale media campaigns.


The right data; the right way

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European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme is developed as part of the PUCS project, which has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 73004
Climate Fit 2017-2019 PUCS. All rights reserved.